<title>9 Mistakes People Make That Destroy Their Career

9 Mistakes People Make That Destroy Their Career

Some people think the office is the place to be all power, all brilliance, all the time.

They make many mistakes in their quest for power and promotion.
While ambition is very healthy, it is not enough.
You need tact and intelligence to work well and excel.
Scooper put together 9 mistakes make that destroy their career.
Action 1: It Will Work Out
Don’t take yourself (or your career) too seriously. Plenty of brilliant people started out in jobs they hated, or took paths that weren’t right at the beginning of their careers.
Professional development is no longer linear, and trust that with hard work and a dedication to figuring out what you want to do with your life, you, too, will be OK!
Action 2: Value Relationships
Every person you meet is a potential door to a new opportunity—personally or professionally.
Many people do not build relatonships outside their own area ofexpertise.
Others do not respect those they think are beneath them. That is wrong!
Build good bridges even in that just-for-now job, because you never know how they’ll weave into the larger picture of your life.
Action 3: Learn
Many people spend many years learning and doing only the software they can use in that particular job.
The best career or job is the one in which you’re using the skills you enjoy. But, not every job needs to address all of your passions.
Use every job as an opportunity to learn something new and keep an open mind; you may find that you really enjoy something you never imagined would appeal to you
Action 4: Reflect
Every 3 weeks, spend some time really thinking about your career.
Go out and warm up your network, check out new opportunities, and do some salary comparisons.
You make smarter career decisions when you have real data. Also, if you are afraid or uncomfortable, you are probably onto something awesome.
Action 5: Don’t be a Newbie for Too Long
Don’t be afraid to speak up in a meeting or to schedule a sit down with a colleague or boss—whether to hash out details on a project or deal with a sensitive situation.
When it comes to having your ideas heard, or to really connecting with co-workers, never underestimate the power of face time and the importance of in-person communication
Make an impression
Action 6: Accept Critism
Take criticism or “feedback” for what it is: a gift given to you to make you better at what you do.
Don't concern yourself with the person or the method of delivery. Instead, glean out the teachable nuggets and move on.
Action 7: Chaos Is Not Your Enemy
In chaos, there is opportunity. Most major career accelerations happen when someone steps into a mess and makes a difference.
Stop throwing tantrums. Look at the problem and use it.
Action 8: Make Up Your Mind To Work Harder
Nothing commands respect more than a good work ethic. Work harder than everyone under you or above you.
Don’t grumble at work. It is hard, this means being the first one at the event in the morning and the last one to leave in the evening.
Do It!
Action 9: Get A Mentor
Yes, you serve a living God but having a mentor within your company is particularly valuable.
He/ she can identify opportunities for advancement you might overlook, guide you through challenging projects, and help you build relationships with higher-ups.
Most importantly, if she’s influential, she can earn you recommendations for special projects or teams that you might not have been considered for otherwise.

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